Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas in Oman

It is for the very first time in my life when I celebrate Christmas far far from home. Since Oman is Islam country Christmas is not celebrated by local people. Though, all the big shopping centers and bigger restaurants have big decorated Christmas trees and in the shops one can also buy different Christmas decorations. Also Christmas songs are played in some restaurants. Yet, it is still very difficult to get a true Christmas feeling here when it is around 27 degrees and bright sunshine outside. For us - Estonians - Christmas always go together with winter and snow, although I know this year there was no snow in Estonia either.

We had very untraditional Christmas here. The boys found Christmas presents from the balcony yesterday morning and for dinner we had tuna fish sandwich cake. That was it. I must admit, for the first time during those wonderful weeks in Oman I missed back home...


  1. Hüvvä Joulu!
    Rõõmsaid Jõule!
    Hyvää Joulua!
    Buon Natale!

  2. Rõõmsaid jõule ka Itaaliasse, Riigipiirid!

  3. I can imagine it must be a different feeling for you :) But, Merry Christmas, dear Eda to you and your family!!! Another beautiful photo!!!!!Nadia

  4. Thanks, Nadia:) I hope you had wonderful Christmas!

  5. Ära muretse - jõulusid tuleb veelgi ja juba üsna varsti - 2012. aasta detsembris saad neid jälle pidada! Ja kes teab, äkki oled siis kodus ja äkki on ka lumi maas ning jõulud tunduvad pere keskel veelgi armsamad kui eelnevatel aastatel... Aga teil oli ilusasti ehitud aus jõulupuu Omanis täitsa olemas! :) Tervitused teile sinna kaugele,

  6. Karin,
    jah muidugi:) Ju mind tabasid siin lihtsalt mitu asja korraga: uude kohta kolimine, jõulumelanhoolia ja koduigatsus:) Aga pisike kuuseke on meil tõesti nurgas ja kellegi majakaaslase poolt ka ehitud.
    Päikest teile!

  7. Mely,
    Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope you had lovely holidays at home!
