Monday, February 17, 2014

Omanis highest mountain - Jebel Shams

At Valentine's Day we went to Jebel Shams that is the highest mountain in Oman. We took some warm clothes with us as well because we were told it gets pretty chilly up there. Indeed, the higher we drove the more temperature dropped. The way up (and down) was a bit scary at times, part of it was unpaved and it was better to not look down at certain points... We also understood that some other mountain roads we had driven so far were "nothing" compared to this. We drove until a hotel at around 2 km height, put on some warm clothes (it was around +9C), had delicious buffet lunch there (for only about 6€ per person) and then it was time for photos:

Stunning views:

 The goats did not care at all about the height:

It is also called Omanis Grand Canyon:

Looks quite flat, hm?